Thursday, June 24, 2010

received email circulated




標榜是植物油的Canola Oil來自什麼植物呢?如果去查字典,會發現根本沒有這個字, 但是,在市場上,Canola oil多半被翻譯成芥花油,事實上,這個字是一個複合字,來自C anadaOil的組合,因為這種油產自於加拿大。 它並非來自自然植物,而是在加拿大,產自於將rapeseed植 物進行基因工程改造的一種油脂。
 植物是芥花 (mustard plant)家族的一支,所以廠商很技巧的將之翻譯為芥花油, 但是他和真正的芥花油 (mustard oil) 卻孑然不同。
植物是一種有毒植物,人類或動物都不能食用, 長久以來都被使用於工業用途,例如:製作驅蟲劑,效果顯著、 工業潤滑油、肥皂、色料....等。所以,他並非食物。而can ola oil是用基因改造之後的rapeseed來製作。 在飲食界一片害怕動物油脂,主張植物性油脂的聲浪下,因為rap eseed種植成本低廉,canola oil悄悄的進入食用油市場,國外相關利益單位甚至花費了500 0萬給FDA,說canola oil是安全的油脂,但是,事實是,canola oil會造成許多可怕的危險,包含肺癌等。
避免使用含有 canola oil 的食物 - 通常甚至土司 (Toast) 奶油含有canola oil. 所以,下回到超市買東西時,一定 一定 要細讀 “產品成份


Poisonous Foods!!  What the major Health Food Stores are not telling you about the safety of their health foods.


The Dangers Of Using Canola Oil 

Recently I bought cooking oil that's new to our Health Food Stores and Supermarkets, Canola Oil. I tried it because the label assured me it was lowest in "bad" fats.  However, when I had used half the bottle, I concluded that the label told me surprisingly little else and I started to wonder: Where does canola oil come from?

Coconut oil comes from coconuts, olive oil comes from olives, peanut oil from peanuts, sunflower oil from sunflowers; but what is a canola? There was nothing on the label to enlighten me, which I thought odd. So, I did some investigating on the Internet. There are plenty of official Canola sites lauding this new "wonder" oil with all its low-fat health benefits. It takes a little longer to find sites that tell the less palatable details. Here are just a few facts everyone should know before buying anything containing canola.

Canola is not the name of a natural plant but a made-up word, from the words " Canada " and "oil". Canola is a 
genetically engineered plant (GMO) developed in Canada from the Rapeseed Plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants.

According to Agri-Alternatives, The Online Innovation, and Technology Magazine for Farmers,
 "By nature, these rapeseed oils, which have long been used to produce oils for industrial purposes, are... toxic to humans and other animals". (This, by the way, is one of the websites singing the praises of the new canola industry.)

Rapeseed oil is poisonous to living things and is an excellent insect repellent. I have been using it (in very diluted form, as per instructions) to kill the aphids on my roses for the last two years. 
It works very well; it suffocates them. Ask for it at your nursery. Rape is an oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base and as a illuminate for color pages in magazines. It is an industrial oil. It is not a food. 
Rape oil, it seems, causes emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability, and blindness in animals and humans. Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991, when it was thrown out.

Remember the 
"Mad Cow disease" scare, when millions of cattle in the UK were slaughtered in case of infecting humans? Cattle were being fed on a mixture containing material from dead sheep, and sheep suffer from a disease called "scrapie". . It was thought this was how "Mad Cow" began and started to infiltrate the human chain. What is interesting is that when rape oil was removed from animal feed, 'scrapie' disappeared. We also haven't seen any further reports of "Mad Cow" since rape oil was removed from the feed. Perhaps not scientifically proven, but interesting all the same.

US and Canadian farmers grow genetically engineered rapeseedand manufacturers use its oil (canola) in thousands of processed foods. The canola supporting websites say that canola is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rapeseed, but insist that through genetic engineering
it is no longer  rapeseed, but "canola" instead. Except canola means "Canadian oil"; and the plant is still a rape plant, albeit genetically modified.


The new name provides perfect cover for commercial interests wanting to make millions. Look at the ingredients list on labels. Apparently peanut oil is being replaced with rape oil in peanut butter.

You'll find it in an alarming number of processed foods. There's more, but to conclude: rape oil was the source of the chemical warfare agent mustard  gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skins of hundred of thousands of soldiers and civilians during W.W.I.  Recent French reports indicate that it was again in use during the Gulf War.  Check products for ingredients.  If the label says, "may contain the following" and lists canola oil, you know it contains canola oil because it is the cheapest oil and the Canadian government subsidizes it to industries involved in food processing.

I don't know what you'll be cooking with tonight, but I'll be using olive oil or the very healthy alternative 
Coconut oil.

Here is more information.......... Canola oil from the rape seed, referred to as the Canadian oil because Canada is mainly responsible for it being marketed in the USA .  Studies with lab animals were disastrous.  Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland. When canola oil was withdrawn from their diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs.  No studies on humans were made before money was spent to promote Canola oil in the USA .  Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare fatal degenerative disease caused by a build up long-chain fatty acids (c22 to c28) which destroys the myelin (protective sheath) of the nerves.  Canola oil is very long chain fatty acid oil (c22).  Those who will defend canola oil say that the Chinese and Indians have used it for centuries with no effect; however it was in an unrefined form. (* taken  from FATS THAT HEAL  AND FATS THAT KILL by Udo Erasmus.)

My cholesterol level was 150.  After a year using Canola oil I tested 260.  I switched back to pure coconut oil and it has taken 5 years to get it down to 160.  Thus began this project to find answers since most Doctors will say that Canola oil is O.K.  My sister spilled Canola oil on a piece of fabric, after 5 pre-treatings and harsh washings, the oil spot still showed.  She stopped using Canola oil, wondering what it did to our insides if it could not be removed from cloth easily.

Our father bred birds, always checking labels to insure there was no rapeseed in their food.  He said, "The birds will eat it, but they do not live very long."

A friend, who worked for only 9 months as a quality control taster at an apple-chip factory where Canola oil was used exclusively for frying, developed numerous health problems.  These included loose teeth & gum disease; numb hands and feet; swollen arms and legs upon rising in the morning; extreme joint pain especially in hands, cloudy vision, constipation with stools like black marbles, hearing loss; skin tears from being bumped; lack of energy; hair loss and heart pains.  It has been five years since she has worked there and still has some joint pain, gum disease, and numbness.  A  fellow worker, about 30 years old, who ate very little product, had a routine check up and found that his blood vessels were like those of an 80 year old man.

Two employees fed the waste product to baby calves and their hair fell out.  (Whose hair is this
referring to- the employees or the calves?) After removing the fried apple chips from the diet their hair grew back in.  My daughter and her girls were telling jokes.  Stephanie hit her mom's arm with the back of a butter knife in a gesture, "Oh mom" not hard  enough to hurt.  My daughter's arm split open like it was rotten.  She called me to ask what could have caused it. I said, "I'll bet anything that you are using Canola oil".  Sure enough, there was a big gallon jug in the pantry.

Rape seed oil is a penetrating oil, to be used in light industry, not for human consumption.  It contains a toxic substance. (from encyclopedia)  Even after the processing to reduce the erucic acid content, it is still a penetrating oil.  We have found that it turns rancid very fast.  Also, it leaves a residual rancid odor on clothing.  Rape seed oil used for stir-frying in China was found to emit cancer causing chemicals. 
 (Rapeseed oil smoke causes lung cancer) Amal Kumar Maj.  The Wall Street Journal June 7, 1995 pB6(W) pB6 (E) col 1(11 col in).  Compiled by Darleen Bradley.

Canola oil is a health hazard to use as a cooking oil or salad oil.  It is not the healthy oil we thought it was.  It is not fit for human consumption, do not eat canola oil, it can hurt you.  Polyunsaturated or not, this is a bad oil.  Be sure to also read this informative report written by leading health expertTom Valentine, Canola Oil Report


Don't be fooled......Canola Oil is in everything!!!  Always read the ingredients of every product you buy, anywhere!!!  Even in the Health Food Stores, Canola Oil is widely used in their products.    Coconut oil comes from coconuts, olive oil comes from olives, peanut oil from peanuts, sunflower oil from sunflowers; Canola Oil comes from a poisonous plant that has been Genetically Modified  (GMO) 

Saturday, June 05, 2010

How to set up an online store

How to set up an online store

by salehoo_group - 30 Aug 2006


Setting up an online store is a great way to start making money online , or to expand an existing business.

However, setting up an online business can be confusing for those who are new to selling on the web. Not only are there some very important set-up factors, but Internet marketing is a completely different ball-game to marketing a brick and mortar store. And it's your marketing that will make or break your business.

When setting up your store, the first question you need to consider is whether you will design your own online store, or go with a turnkey option.

Designing your own store

Designing your own store isn't easy. There is a lot of hard work involved putting together a site that treads the fine line between form and functionality. Alternatively, you can hire a designer to create the basic design and add the finishing touches yourself. Just be sure to shop around if you choose this option. Top web design companies often charge in the tens of thousands to a website, when the same result can often be achieved for a more affordable $500 to $2000.

If you choose to create your own store, you will need to consider:

  • E-commerce software – this is the most important decision you will have to make. The software that you choose will manage your inventory, display the products and take the customer through checkout. You need to spend some time reading up on and trialling software before you buy. Trialling is especially important as it's often difficult to foresee potential problems until your site gets busier 6-12 months down the line. By that stage, it's almost impossible to change software without starting your entire business from scratch!

To be sure that you are investing in a quality product, it is a fantastic idea to ask around and see what other software people are using and recommend. Referrals are one of the best ways to ensure you are making the correct decision.

Some e-commerce software to check out:

  • A reliable web host – there is nothing worse than having your server goes down because a major promotion has caused a customer surge! Web host reliability is a crucial aspect of the success of your online store. People won't wait around if pages take ages to load, or error messages appear after they have entered important details and the connection fails! You must be sure that your web host is capable of coping with traffic fluctuations, large file size uploads and more. Also look at server hard drive space, customer support, allowable data transfer, and whether or not they offer a secure server.
  • Payment processing capability – there are more choices than ever for payment processing these days. The two main options are: (a) setting up your own merchant account and (b) creating a Paypal account. For new businesses, Paypal is a much cheaper option. Paypal has also established a fantastic reputation as being simple and safe, so can be sure your customers will feel secure when you provide this option.

Larger businesses will prefer to set up their own merchant accounts. While merchant accounts can easily cost a couple of thousand dollars to set up depending on the supplier, you have more control overall.

Whatever solution you choose, just remember that the more straightforward the system is the better. A two step payment process will endear you to your customers far more than an eight-step one requiring vast amounts of detail!

  • Payment security – You need to look at securing your server with encryption (SSL) to protect your customers' sensitive information. Making online payments still makes people nervous and they need to know their information is safe. If your web host doesn't offer this, you will have to get your own, which will cost in the region of $100 to $350 a year. It's also essential to write a privacy policy to include on your site to give customers extra reassurance.

  • A toll-free number – this is a great way of encouraging Internet-shy customers nervous of buying online to purchase off your site. Many people feel much more secure paying over the telephone than over the web and you'll find the small cost of a free phone is worthwhile.

A Turnkey store

A turnkey store is the perfect solution for anyone who wants to minimize risk and focus on the product they are selling.

With a turnkey store, all the aspects of building a store are taken care of for you. All you have to do is load up your product catalog along with a few other vital pieces of information, and you are ready to begin. Additionally, many stores offer packaged deals that include built-in marketing and data analysis tools. Turnkey stores are usually web-based, meaning you don't have to store anything on your own computer. All you need is an Internet connection.

Prices for turnkey stores range from $600 to $10,000 per year, depending on whether you want a basic operation or a top-of-the-range super store. But don't be alarmed, you can get a perfectly functional store at the cheaper end of the market. As long as you can afford at least $70/month, then you will be able to find something easily.

Many people are initially overwhelmed when they start researching turnkey stores. And with good reason - you'll find that the choice is endless when you start looking. To help narrow down the options, it helps if you decide at the outset whether you want an all-in-one solution or a mix-and-match solution where you select different applications for each component. Many sellers go for the all-in-one option simply because it is easier to buy and easier to use. If you purchase separate applications, you'll have to be a lot more knowledgeable about what exactly is required from the outset.

There is also the option of getting a turnkey store complete with products. For example, you can purchase an Amazon store and promote Amazon's products for a referral fee.

Turnkey stores to check out include:

Marketing and Advertising

With so many new stores starting every day, marketing is everything.

The key to success is driving targeted traffic to your store, rather than using a scattergun approach.

To begin with, you should expect marketing to take up a large proportion of your time. Then, as your business grows, one of the first things you should do is hire someone to keep on top of your marketing for you. The Internet is an extremely competitive environment and you can't afford to drop the ball.

Some of the most effective marketing techniques include:

Search engine optimization – this is more complex that I have room for here, but suffice it to say that search engine optimization involves optimizing the keywords and meta tags in your site. More on this is later posts.

Listing your site in free and paid web directories - The best directory is Yahoo, which will set you back $299. However, you should also submit to the smaller and cheaper web directories as well.

Google adwords and Yahoo search marketing – otherwise known as pay per click advertising, this is a fantastic way of getting targeted traffic to your site.

Affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing works well because you only have to pay for success. Affiliates promote your site using adwords, websites and other techniques. Whenever someone makes a purchase as a result of an affiliates promotion, you pay the affiliate a percentage of the sale price.

Link exchanges – Work on exchanging links with related sites to increase your Google page ranking. This is especially important during the first few months of your site's existence.

Local advertising – trends indicate that an increasing number people are looking to support their local communities by buying locally. Going walkabout in your community and personally handing out flyers is one of the most effective ways to advertise. Associating a face with a brand name is a sure-fire way of making sure that people remember your site.

Promotions: online and off. Try offering free shipping, discounts on multiple purchases, giveaways…anything you can to get people to start getting in the habit of using your site.


being friends is much more easier than being partners.....
partnership can be as simple as the 2 sample agreements shown below or
can be a little complex as the 2 links listed below......

I believe a partnership agreement is needed to avoid making friends to enemies.



This PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT  is made on ____________, 20__ between __________________________________________ and __________________________________________.

1. NAME AND BUSINESS. The parties hereby form a partnership under the name of __________________________________________ to conduct a __________________________________________. The principal office of the business shall be in _______________________.

2. TERM. The partnership shall begin on ________________, 20____, and shall continue until terminated as herein provided.

3. CAPITAL. The capital of the partnership shall be contributed in cash by the partners as follows: A separate capital account shall be maintained for each partner. Neither partner shall withdraw any part of his capital account. Upon the demand of either partner, the capital accounts of the partners shall be maintained at all times in the proportions in which the partners share in the profits and losses of the partnership.

4. PROFIT AND LOSS. The net profits of the partnership shall be divided equally between the partners and the net losses shall be borne equally by them. A separate income account shall be maintained for each partner. Partnership profits and losses shall be charged or credited to the separate income account of each partner. If a partner has no credit balance in his income account, losses shall be charged to his capital account.

5. SALARIES AND DRAWINGS. Neither partner shall receive any salary for services rendered to the partnership. Each partner may, from time to time, withdraw the credit balance in his income account.

6. INTEREST. No interest shall be paid on the initial contributions to the capital of the partnership or on any subsequent contributions of capital.

7. MANAGEMENT DUTIES AND RESTRICTIONS. The partners shall have equal rights in the management of the partnership business, and each partner shall devote his entire time to the conduct of the business. Without the consent of the other partner neither partner shall on behalf of the partnership borrow or lend money, or make, deliver, or accept any commercial paper, or execute any mortgage, security agreement, bond, or lease, or purchase or contract to purchase, or sell or contract to sell any property for or of the partnership other than the type of property bought and sold in the regular course of its business.

8. BANKING. All funds of the partnership shall be deposited in its name in such checking account or accounts as shall be designated by the partners. All withdrawals are to be made upon checks signed by either partner.

9. BOOKS. The partnership books shall be maintained at the principal office of the partnership, and each partner shall at all times have access thereto. The books shall be kept on a fiscal year basis, commencing _____________________ and ending _____________________, and shall be closed and balanced at the end of each fiscal year. An audit shall be made as of the closing date.

10. VOLUNTARY TERMINATION. The partnership may be dissolved at any time by agreement of the partners, in which event the partners shall proceed with reasonable promptness to liquidate the business of the partnership. The partnership name shall be sold with the other assets of the business. The assets of the partnership business shall be used and distributed in the following order: (a) to pay or provide for the payment of all partnership liabilities and liquidating expenses and obligations; (b) to equalize the income accounts of the partners; (c) to discharge the balance of the income accounts of the partners; (d) to equalize the capital accounts of the partners; and (e) to discharge the balance of the capital accounts of the partners.

11. DEATH. Upon the death of either partner, the surviving partner shall have the right either to purchase the interest of the decedent in the partnership or to terminate and liquidate the partnership business. If the surviving partner elects to purchase the decedent's interest, he shall serve notice in writing of such election, within three months after the death of the decedent, upon the executor or administrator of the decedent, or, if at the time of such election no legal representative has been appointed, upon any one of the known legal heirs of the decedent at the last-known address of such heir. (a) If the surviving partner elects to purchase the interest of the decedent in the partnership, the purchase price shall be equal to the decedent's capital account as at the date of his death plus the decedent's income account as at the end of the prior fiscal year, increased by his share of partnership profits or decreased by his share of partnership losses for the period from the beginning of the fiscal year in which his death occurred until the end of the calendar month in which his death occurred, and decreased by withdrawals charged to his income account during such period. No allowance shall be made for goodwill, trade name, patents, or other intangible assets, except as those assets have been reflected on the partnership books immediately prior to the decedent's death; but the survivor shall nevertheless be entitled to use the trade name of the partnership. (b) Except as herein otherwise stated, the procedure as to liquidation and distribution of the assets of the partnership business shall be the same as stated in paragraph 10 with reference to voluntary termination.

12. ARBITRATION. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach hereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules, then obtaining, of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

Executed this ______________ day of _________________, 20_____ in _____________________ [city], _____________________ [state].


This Partnership Agreement is made on [Insert Date] between [Insert Name of Party 1] and [Insert Name of Party 2].

  1. Name and Business
    The parties hereby form a partnership under the name of [Insert Business Name] to produce [Insert Business Product/Service]. The principal office of the business shall be [Insert Address].

  2. Term
    The partnership shall begin on [Insert Date], and shall continue until terminated.

  3. Capital
    The capital of the partnership shall be contributed in cash by the partners as follows:

    • A separate capital account shall be maintained for each partner.

    • Neither partner shall withdraw any part of their capital account.

    • Upon the demand of either partner, the capital accounts of the partners shall be maintained at all times in the proportions in which the partners share in the profits and losses of the partnership.

  4. Profit and Loss
    The net profits of the partnership shall be divided equally between the partners and the net losses shall be borne equally by them. A separate income account shall be maintained for each partner. Partnership profits and losses shall be charged or credited to the separate income account of each partner. If a partner has no credit balance in their income account, losses shall be charged to their capital account.

  5. Salaries and Withdrawals
    Neither partner shall receive any salary for services rendered to the partnership. Each partner may, from time to time, withdraw the credit balance in their income account.

  6. Interest
    No interest shall be paid on the initial contributions to the capital of the partnership or on any subsequent contributions of capital.

  7. Management Duties and Restrictions
    The partners shall have equal rights in the management of the partnership business, and each partner shall devote their entire time to the conduct of the business. Without the consent of the other partner neither partner shall on behalf of the partnership borrow or lend money, or make, deliver, or accept any commercial paper, or execute any mortgage, security agreement, bond, or lease, or purchase or contract to purchase, or sell or contract to sell any property for or of the partnership other than the type of property bought and sold in the regular course of its business.

  8. Banking
    All funds of the partnership shall be deposited in its name in such checking account or accounts as shall be designated by the partners. All withdrawals therefrom are to be made upon checks signed by either partner.

  9. Books
    The partnership books shall be maintained at the principal office of the partnership, and each partner shall at all times have access thereto. The books shall be kept on a fiscal year basis, and shall be closed and balanced at the end of each fiscal year. An audit shall be made as of the closing date.

  10. Voluntary Termination
    The partnership may be dissolved at any time by agreement of the partners, in which event the partners shall proceed with reasonable promptness to liquidate the business of the partnership. The partnership name shall be sold with the other assets of the business. The assets of the partnership business shall be used and distributed in the following order:

    (a) to pay or provide for the payment of all partnership liabilities and liquidating expenses and obligations;

    (b) to equalize the income accounts of the partners;

    (c) to discharge the balance of the income accounts of the partners;

    (d) to equalize the capital accounts of the partners; and

    (e) to discharge the balance of the capital accounts of the partners.
  11. Death
    Upon the death of either partner, the surviving partner shall have the right either to purchase the interest of the decedent in the partnership or to terminate and liquidate the partnership business. If the surviving partner elects to purchase the decedent's interest, he shall serve notice in writing of such election, within three months after the death of the decedent, upon the executor or administrator of the decedent, or, if at the time of such election no legal representative has been appointed, upon any one of the known legal heirs of the decedent at the last-known address of such heir.

    (a) If the surviving partner elects to purchase the interest of the decedent in the partnership, the purchase price shall be equal to the decedent's capital account as at the date of their death plus the decedent's income account as at the end of the prior fiscal year, increased by their share of partnership profits or decreased by their share of partnership losses for the period from the beginning of the fiscal year in which their death occurred until the end of the calendar month in which their death occurred, and decreased by withdrawals charged to their income account during such period. No allowance shall be made for goodwill, trade name, patents, or other intangible assets, except as those assets have been reflected on the partnership books immediately prior to the decedent's death; but the survivor shall nevertheless be entitled to use the trade name of the partnership.

    (b) Except as herein otherwise stated, the procedure as to liquidation and distribution of the assets of the partnership business shall be the same as stated in paragraph 10 with reference to voluntary termination.

  12. Arbitration
    Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach hereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules, then obtaining, of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. In witness whereof the parties have signed this Agreement.

Executed this ______________ day of _________________, [Insert Year] in [Insert City, State].

________________________ ________________________
Signature of Party 1 Signature of Party 2